Today I was able to participate in the First Ever Campus Campaign Talent Show at The Ohio State University. At the event there were a handful of staff and/or faculty who displayed their talents in music, poetry and acting. As part of this event I installed three of my short films on a 70 inch screen in the lobby of Weigel Hall. The event had a great turn out with several staff and faculty seeing my films as they gathered in the lobby.
Here are a few photographs of the display as well as links to the three films that were shown.
[vimeo 107247083 w=500 h=281]
Slow Ascent from Matt Swift on Vimeo.
[vimeo 95561023 w=500 h=281]
My Typewriter from Matt Swift on Vimeo.
[vimeo 82979344 w=500 h=281]
City Lights – Oglebay Park Festival of Lights from Matt Swift on Vimeo.